Peran Standar Data dan Metadata Statistik dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Data Statistik - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malang Municipality

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Peran Standar Data dan Metadata Statistik dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Data Statistik

Peran Standar Data dan Metadata Statistik dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Data Statistik

June 22, 2021 | Other Activities

Salam Satu Jiwa Sobat Data, 

On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, the Head of the Malang City BPS attended an invitation to become a resource person in the Malang City Sectoral Data Management activity organized by the Communication and Information Office in the Pine Room, Savana Hotel Malang. On this occasion the Head of BPS Malang, Mrs. Erny Fatma Setyoharini conveyed the "Role of Standardized Data and Statistical Metadata in Improving the Quality of Statistical Data".

It is hoped that the explanation from the Head of BPS Malang can increase awareness and knowledge of OPD as Data Producers regarding the importance of Standard Data and Metadata in improving the quality of statistical data in Malang City.
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