Form of Community Service, Statistics of Malang Municipality Released Student PKL UM - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malang Municipality

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Form of Community Service, Statistics of Malang Municipality Released Student PKL UM

Form of Community Service, Statistics of Malang Municipality Released Student PKL UM

August 9, 2019 | Other Activities

The Statistik of Malang Municipality is a non-departmental government agency whose job is to provide statistical data based on Law No. 16 of 1997. Besides carrying out its role in providing data both for the government and as a public servant, BPS also plays a role in providing services in the field of education and statistical training. Therefore, BPS Malang realizes this service through the acceptance of Field Work Practices students, one of whom comes from State University of Malang (UM).
The UM mathematics students carry out street vendors for one month from July 8 to August 9, 2019. They are educated to carry out the same tasks done by BPS employees on a daily basis. In this case they are treated as BPS employees as they should, so they must practice professional values, integrity and trust as the core values ​​of BPS. These three students were placed in various sections in BPS such as the Social Statistics Section, Production Statistics Section, Distribution and Service Statistics Section, Balance Sheet Statistics and Statistical Analysis Section and Statistical Desemination Methodology Section and Statistical Information.
Yesterday on 9/8, Head Statistics of Malang Municipality Drs. Sunaryo, M.Si accompanied by the Head of Production Statistics Section released UM PKL students who ended in even one month. The release was done through presentations by UM students about the knowledge he had gained while at BPS Malang, as well as giving messages and impressions for the betterment of BPS Malang in the future. In his speech, the Head of BPS expected that all the knowledge gained was expected to be utilized in the community because students could become a medium for BPS introduction to the wider community. The Head of Production Statistics Section also advised that students can actively disseminate the MBOISTATS application so that it can be accessed by the public when needing BPS data. The event was then continued with the awarding of certificates given directly by the Head of Malang Municipality BPS to UM students who had undergone the educational process for one month.
UM students then made presentations by conveying the knowledge they had learned while doing street vendors during BPS including making tables and graphs from Malang harvest area data in 2018, checking the calculation of the survey results of trade distribution patterns in 2019, identifying the KBLI product code on a special survey form balance sheet production, making news of BPS activities on sharig knowledge of the economy and trade of Malang Municipality and routine DWP meetings at BPS Malang, turning static tables into dynamic tables on the BPS website of Malang Municipality and updating data on Malang Municipality Statistics books in 2019. Through activities This PKL, a student is able to practice the theory that he got on the lecture bench. UM students feel that through this PKL program they are trained to become highly competitive individuals in the world of work through the application of professional spirit and high integrity in the world of work. In the message and impression he conveyed in the closing ceremony, the spirit of responsibility, discipline and good performance became important values ​​that he learned to face challenges in the world of work.
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